
Choose Hemp for Your (Heart) Health July 11 2014

Shelled hemp seeds (also known by the brand name Hemp HeartsTM) are really one of nature's perfect foods. Their balance of proteins, essential fats, vitamins, and enzymes encourage and support optimal health and wellness.

Why Choose Hemp Protein for Wellness? June 28 2014

With more and more people becoming aware of the benefits of limiting meat protein, even if just for digestion, demand on alternate protein resources is on the rise. Hemp protein is becoming increasingly popular for vegetarians and meat eaters alike. Protein is a necessary staple in our diets; how each person chooses to maintain their protein levels can vary depending on dietary constraints.

Are You Eating This Protein Wonder Food? June 20 2014

The benefits of hemp are boundless. This wonderfood balances your hormones, nourishes your skin and hair, calms post-workout inflammation, and relaxes your muscles. Once a mainstay crop in the United States with the Declaration of Independence drafted on hemp, and early American flags were made of this durable, plant-based fabric.